We are doing a Closing Party

It has been a fun show, and it has grown!

Not only have we had a few folks add their photos to the show, but those of you who have attended have created an additional collection of gorgeous, good-humored selfies.

We want to celebrate one last time before the pics are taken down. Care to join us and add to the selfie wall?

Thursday, July 27th from 5-8pm at the Gallery at the Arthouse

Featuring Instant Photography by or submit by:
Morgan Allora
Eric Baker
Abby Bormann + Ethan Johnson
Jen Chilstrom
Michaela Chorn
Audrey Gilbraith
Laura Kirstein
Chris Larson
Julie Larson
Anna Lee
J Earl Miller
Crystal Dawn Nicklay
Yuri Orth
Naomi Schliesman
Lois Schneider
Sarah Strong
Mya Temanson + Hussein Abulamzi
Ann Zavoral
with a few additional surprises!


Creative Momentum Thrives on Connection


Bright Moon Salon + Workshop with Kari Tauring