Bright Moon Salon + Workshop with Kari Tauring

Well, it is official. The Bright Moon Salon is one year old! For those who have been around since the beginning, it is going to be so lovely to return to the root of our intentions with our second annual Horn Ceremony with Kari Tauring. For those of you who got involved throughout the last year, or are just hearing about all of this now, we are looking forward to welcoming you in to the ceremonial roots of why we gather monthly to honor each other as individuals and as a collective.

For years, Kari and I have talked about the Law of Jante and the impact of the loss of the Horn Ceremony, and we are looking forward to building upon the foundational work done last summer. I daresay we have evolved quite a bit collectively and individually this last year- I am excited to see what the upcoming year has in store for all of us!

We will meet Monday, July 31st from 6pm to 8pm at the Arthouse. Note that while we often officially start around 6:30 after social time, we will start closer to 6pm this evening to allow for the ceremony.

We will have light snacks available, and as always you are welcome to bring some to share. I am currently brewing lilac mead for the ceremony from flowers from the Arthouse and honey from the bees in the Apiary. If you are in need of a sugar free or alcohol free option, I am happy to acommodate. Just let me know.

The Bright Moon Salon is a monthly meet up of creative individuals invested in supporting each other by holding space for the individual within the collective. Each month on an evening leading up to the full moon, we host an honored guest who shares their insights and talents while engaging the group in conversations and activities that support the deepening of what it means to be in community.

I am so thrilled that Kari will be offering a Nordic Roots Workshop the day before the Bright Moon Salon Horn Ceremony, and Rune Readings too! Check the event information here and be sure to sign up soon!

Kari Tauring is a Norse cultural educator, folk musician, spiritual leader, and healer living in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She is a völva, staff carrying woman and the originator of Völva Stav mind/body/spirit philosophy and practice.


We are doing a Closing Party


Talking Word of Mouth