Human Design: Your Aura Type

I am taking the next several weeks to dive in to Human Design and some of the unique aspects of this intricate layering of modalities that create a complex system of understanding ourselves and how we can have acceptance and flow in our lives. If you are curious about what Human Design is, check my most recent post.

When you hear the term "energy type" or "aura type" in Human Design, we are talking about the unique design of your aura. Depending on the specific characteristics defined in your chart, this is what determines which out of the 5 different aura types you are: Generator, Manifesting-Generator, Manifestor, Projector or Reflector.

Each type has specific characteristics, gifts and role that they were designed to play within humanity. Each type also has a different way of interacting energetically in the world, so each has a specific Strategy that helps you move throughout life that matches your mechanical design.

Learning how to master your energy by applying the correct Strategy for your design, allows you to come back into alignment with your authentic self, as well as your natural state of abundance and flow (i.e. your true state of being).

Next week I will share the dynamics of the Generator Aura Type, the one I call “The Artisan” and is designed to spend their life creating in response to things that truly light them up. In the meantime, I would love to extend two offers in August to invite you to either:

1- book an Energy Portrait get a one-page report of your high-level Human Design details as a bonus.

2- book your own Human Design Reading- a 90 minute zoom session with a 40+ page report just for you. Use the code AUGUST20 for 20% off.



September Bright Moon Salon Guest: Julie Larson


What is Human Design?