September Bright Moon Salon Guest: Julie Larson

We are so thrilled to welcome poet and dear friend, Julie Larson, as the honored guest of the September Bright Moon Salon at the Arthouse on Wednesday, September 7th from 6-8pm.

Your assignment: Bring something broken, ripped, a missing part of a pair that was cherished in a way that you haven’t been able to let it go / throw it away. Bring the memory of a kind of grief profound enough to have changed you, and something to write in and on.

Julie will lead us in healing writing exercises that will help us address grief as we are both speeding up and slowing down as autumn is upon us. Be sure to RSVP with Anna Lee in order to assure your spot.

Julie Marie Larson has an MFA in English from MSUM where she focused on poetry and creative nonfiction. Her most recent publication, “Father Tongue,” will be in the forthcoming issue of the Northern Narratives. In 2021 she became a certified teacher of mindfulness mediation through the School of Positive Transformation and is learning ways to braid meditation into a healthy writing practice. 

Julie has worked at the dietary supplement company Swanson Health Products for the last 12 years as writer, proofreader and researcher.  During the last five years she has focused on researching the function and potentiation of herbal medicines, fungi, dietary nutrients, nootropics, and the human microbiome. These are elements and systems which she believes have and will continue to provide insight on how living beings can supplement their diet for optimum cognitive and body support and functioning – including and especially the creation of various types of art. She is deeply influenced by a subconscious/symbolic/Jungian approach to writing and instruction based on the idea of alchemizing pain, anxiety and overthinking into art and how those fusions and intersections might just slowly-but-surely make the world a better place – for all living beings. 



Generators: “The Artisans”


Human Design: Your Aura Type