Generators: “The Artisans”

So, I took a couple of weeks off in order to tend to some design deadlines as well as host a number of guests at the Arthouse, which is all leading to some lovely things that are unfolding in 2023, namely the development of an artist residency that some folks are helping me beta test and mold into something that will support many in their creative hurdles and endeavors.

Returning to Human Design, I am loving what it is able to do for myself and others that I work with. Most specifically, it gives us insight to the truth of who we are and gives us permission in a way to align to some strategies on how to work with our energy in ways that feel so much better than trying to fit into boxes that do not work for us, or we have outgrown.

So we begin with the Aura Types, and the first Aura Type is the Generator, or what I call “The Artisan”.

Generators have an impressive amount sustainable energy, but they must find the right work and the right life force opportunities in order to feel happy. When Generators are doing the correct work, they engage their Sacral energy center (more on energy centers this fall!) and have a powerful source of energy available to them.

The Generator is designed to lead a happy, fulfilling life when they let life show up for them, as opposed to going out and making life happen. Generators do well to set an intention and then wait for evidence in their outer reality that it is time to take action and that the direction is correct.

Generators are designed to be masters, to really spend time honing their craft as long as it continues to light them up. I love how this really gives all of us, but Generators in particular, to be in relationship to the world around us. We don’t have to be everything, we don’t have to have all of the answers. We are working in response to the others around us and are meant to show up and engage in ways that really help us feel in our element rather than feeling like something is missing or we wish we had more time for the things that are important to us.

Next I will share the dynamics of the Manifestor Aura Type, the one I call “The Visionary” and is designed to initiate on their ideas and inform others of what they are up to in ways that can either let others jump on board or get out of the way.

In the meantime, since I was a bit offline this month I am extending my two offers from August into September to invite you to either:

1- book an Energy Portrait get a one-page report of your high-level Human Design details as a bonus.

2- book your own Human Design Reading- a 90 minute zoom session with a 40+ page report just for you. Use the code SEPT20 for 20% off.


What is Human Design?

What are Aura Types?


Gray Matter Series: Mother Trees


September Bright Moon Salon Guest: Julie Larson