What is Human Design?

And how does knowing your design support your creativity?

When I was first introduced to my Human Design, I was overwhelmed and focused at the same time. The fundamentals I learned made so much sense, but there was SO much more there than I could handle in the moment. There are all kinds of resources for going down the rabbit hole of discovery, and if you find yourself in HumanDesign-Tok you could be there a while.

Essentially, Human Design is a mode of self discovery and understanding originally developed by Ra Uru Hu in the 1980s. Built upon several ancient traditions and modes of personal understanding and growth; Human Design is a synthesis of the I Ching, Chakra Systems, Kabbalah, Astrology, and Quantum Physics. This blend creates a new vocabulary and framework of understanding for the self, our role in this lifetime, and the impact we are meant to have on community.

I have seen Human Design used in many different ways, and I prefer to take an informed, empowered approach that allows each person to be more of themself, to recognize the unique things about how they relate to the world are actually something to celebrate and embolden, rather than fix or adjust to try to fit in. We all are part of an ecosystem that works best when we are our best selves. This means our weird selves. This means embracing the core of who we are and celebrating our differences in a diverse and thriving community.

I started with learning about my aura type- there are five different aura types that impact how we interact with the world, and how the world tends to interact with us. They are Manifestors, Generators, Manifesting Generators, Projectors, and Reflectors. For the next several weeks, I will share about each of the aura types and what makes them each valuable and essential.

In the meantime, I would love to extend two offers in August to invite you to either:

1- book an Energy Portrait get a one-page report of your high-level Human Design details as a bonus.

2- book your own Human Design Reading- a 90 minute zoom session with a 40+ page report just for you. Use the code AUGUST20 for 20% off.



Human Design: Your Aura Type


Working with the waves of creativity during uncertainty