We are gathered together to get through.

Hello, friends. It is a blustery week up north and I am focused on getting things cozy and ready for colder weather at the Arthouse. Yet, though there’s a chill in the air (and snow on the ground?!) I’m feeling pretty good, despite the heartache of the world. How are you doing these days? It is so important to find that balance between awareness, action, and hope. When we seek joy and connection, it can balance the difficulties.

This has become core to the Creative Guidance work I do, and a reason why the group sessions have been growing. Another profound thing that we have been realizing is the nature of meeting up and connecting is sometimes ENHANCED by our being online. Last month, we did a hybrid Bright Moon Salon, which allowed for those who could gather at the Arthouse to do so, but we also had small groups join from their respective locations. It really is about gathering with intention, and sharing meaningful conversation that gives us hope and encouragement as we plod through this thing called life.

I am excited to share that we have several opportunities to gather over the next few weeks, no matter where you are located, to share in supporting each other and our creative sparks. Interested? Read on and let me know if you have any questions!

Prefer a more individualized approach to navigating your creative and personal evolution and growth? I still got you. xoxoMs.AnnaLee

Dark Moon Sparks is a monthly accountability + creativity group for a new kind of motivation. Nestled in the week before the New Moon, we meet to renew our commitments to our creative work and deepen our understanding of self and community. We’ve been carving out what our own ideas of success and accomplishment are in both the online and arthouse sessions, and you are welcome to join us if you’re looking for new ways of seeing ambition and could use some connection and accountability.

Group Creative Guidance is a workshop series for artists, creative entrepreneurs, and those going through major or minor life changes and are looking for guidance in a small group setting. Each session is rooted in the work done in Creative Guidance Sessions: Human Design, the chakras and nature systems, with intuitive guidance provided. Just as the individual Creative Guidance Sessions provide a tailored approach depending on the participant, these group sessions allow for a more affordable and collective approach with focus that evolves with the group.

Our November sessions are connected to our Bright Moon Salon theme this month: What do you dream of?

We shine brightest when our brilliance is reflected back to us like the moon reflects the sun.

Established July 2022, The Bright Moon Salon is a monthly meet up of creative individuals invested in supporting each other by holding space for the individual within the collective. Each month on an evening leading up to the full moon, we gather to share our insights and talents while engaging the group in conversations and activities that support the deepening of what it means to be in community.

Some months we have an honored guest, and other months we have a theme that we each bring our unique perspectives to. A new element that we are currently trying out is the idea of a hybrid session, which allows individuals or small groups to join those who gather at the Arthouse. This allows for flexibility in how we show up, especially if weather, location, illness or energy levels are a consideration.

We had a really great time of it in October, so we will try it again in November.

Our theme for November is: What do we dream of? This can be our dreams for the future, or recurring dreams, or any other interpretation.


What do you dream of?


Studio Crawl this Weekend