What do you dream of?

When we think of the world as it is right now, it is difficult to imagine that we dreamed it into being. But humans are a collective force and if you break down our individual dreams for what we may have wanted a year or six months ago, there are elements of our desires shining through. That job we wanted, the creative project we were sitting on for months (years?) that is finally getting some momentum, or a revived sense of connection in community.

But our reality is not just our dreams, and that is the difficult and sometimes harsh elements of the day to day. We are in a collective, and sometimes it can feel like a nightmare.

There are studies on the practical power of meditation impacting not only ourselves but our greater communities. And that is not even taking into account the spiritual aspects of peace that we achieve.

There are distinct things we can do in the present day to make reality easier for ourselves and others. We begin with the self and work our way outward based on our capacities. And even if we have limited capacities, there are still things we can do, such as reach out to our representatives and urge them to call for a ceasefire and deescalation.

I believe our dreams for the future and desire for change is an act of creativity. We begin with the idea of it. We imagine what could be, take steps, bring folks along who have collective vision, and create a new world in conscious collaboration. Just like the workerbee who doesn’t worry how she will gather ALL of the nectar herself, we need not worry about having all of the answers. We just need to do our part within our “hives”.

Unsure of what your part is? I swear most of us actually know, but we just don’t always feel permission or see the brilliance within. It is why we need eachother to evolve and grow. I do love Human Design for helping parse out the core of who we each are, because it helps us understand how we truly fit in with the big picture of the hive. I will be giving a talk at ecce yoga this Sunday about the ways we can use Human Design to help us understand out path and our role in community.

But of course, I always love chatting about the different ways we can carve out these answers, and What do We Dream of? is the theme of our upcoming Bright Moon Salon at the Arthouse (and online, too!) on Monday November 20th from 6-8pm central.


A lovely deal for you.


We are gathered together to get through.