October Bright Moon Guest: James Bergman

UPDATE: This Bright Moon Salon is rescheduled from September- we will now meet up Monday, October 23rd.

Friends, I am so happy to let you know that our honored guest for September’s Bright Moon Salon is none other than the lovely James Bergman. We will meet as usual at the Arthouse from 6-8pm for our monthly gathering of sharing and connecting within creative community.

James Bergman was a preschool speech-language pathologist and singer/songwriter until a spiritual awakening revealed that he is (as are we all) so much more. Since that time, he has focused on learning about energy work, ascension, consciousness, and other esoteric topics. Embracing the title Intuitive Songwriter, James uses words and phrases harvested during observation, organic conversation, and divine revelation to create original songs and art pieces that examine the nature of reality.

“Many of us have been hiding parts of who we are for so long that we no longer fully know our true selves. In the past, hiding who we are was an adaptive evolutionary skill that was necessary. Now, this skill that once served us prevents us from making meaningful connections. When we understand and accept ourselves, we can show up in a way that inspires others to be their authentic selves, as well. But, by denying parts of who we are, we are denying others the opportunity to accept us, and themselves, more fully.”

During this event, James will use storytelling and conversation to talk about some of the resources that have helped him on his spiritual awakening journey. Astrology, Numerology, Tarot, Reiki, Meditation, and other tools will be discussed as ways to reveal the hidden aspects of who we are and why we agreed to be here at this remarkable time on Earth. A resource sheet will be provided, as well as a list of ways to get involved in creating community locally.  


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