Group Study Autumn Sessions

It has been a fun week at the Arthouse, both here and online. We had a good couple of sessions for the Dark Moon Sparks monthly meet ups, and the Apiary is all a-buzz with the evidence that our hive split was a success and we now have three hives to work with. One of the two hives was making attempts to swarm, so I moved the frames with the queen cells to a new hive and they are thriving. Now, to keep those wasps away from them!

Over the summer, we had a six-session series that was an answer to the need for Group Creative Guidance Sessions for those who may be looking at finding guidance in community and/or a more affordable option. We had a fantastic time and were able to get to some pretty deep places within in order to tap into our creative energy in new and supported ways.

I want to invite you to be a part of the Group Study Autumn Series, starting next Wednesday, September 13th. There will be an online option this season as well, from 2-330pm Central time, which is a welcomed addition to the series!

Group Study Sessions is a workshop series for artists and creative entrepreneurs by Ms. Anna Lee of Workerby. Each session is rooted in the work done in Creative Guidance Sessions: Human Design, the chakras and nature systems, with intuitive guidance provided. There will be a general structure to the classes, but it will evolve to be responsive to the participants.

In our first session of the Autumn Series, we will dive in to the concept of People Pleasing, and what it does to our energy in the short term and long term. As always, we will add more tools to our kits and work through the group questions through supportive discussions in a small group setting.

2pm-330pm Central- Online

630pm-8pm Central- At the Arthouse

If you are interested in a 6 class package (gives you one free class), you can purchase it here.

How about you? What is exciting you during this shift into autumn? Drop a line and tell me how you are doing, and if you have any questions about the Arthouse or Creative Guidance.



October Bright Moon Guest: James Bergman


People Pleasing + Your Creativity