Events + Happenings

Bright Moon Salon at The Arthouse

Monthly Arthouse Meetup for Creative Folks.

On an evening leading up to the full moon, we gather to celebrate and share our creativity and brilliance, lifting up the individual and the collective.

New Workshop Series at The Arthouse

Bi-weekly Group Guidance for Creative Folks.

Introducing Group Study Sessions, a workshop series for artists and creative entrepreneurs by Ms. Anna Lee of Workerby. Each session is rooted in the work done in Creative Guidance Sessions: Human Design, the chakras and nature systems, with intuitive guidance provided. There will be a general structure to the classes, but it will evolve to be responsive to the participants.

Starting May 10th, 2023, workshops will be held every other Wednesday in the evenings at the Arthouse, with online via zoom as an option. They will involve guided meditation, group discussions, and tangible solutions for tackling your creative hurdles while deepening our relationship to ourselves in an intimate group setting.

This series will cover six meet ups over 12-14 weeks. Each 2 hour class is $30, and if you sign up for all six up front, you will receive one class free.

“Oh, Snap!” A Celebration of Instant Photography

Mark your calendars for Saturday and Sunday May 13-14 2023 for the opening reception

We are bringing together different expressions of instant photography from over 15 regional photographers.

Exhibition dates: May 13th through June 30th

Public viewing + reception: May 13 + 14, and by appointment the remainder of the dates.

The exhibit will also be featured online for at least the remainder of 2023.

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