August Bright Moon Salon

Friends! We are coming up on the week of the New Moon in Leo, which means our Bright Moon Salon for August is coming up in two weeks.

Thank you to everyone who was able to make it for the initiation with Kari Tauring. We had a lovely time kicking off the series.

Moving forward, each Bright Moon Salon will feature an hour with our honored guest to share something important to them, often it will be their story and insight into their creative work with an emphasis in sharing with the group. The second hour is for the group to share themselves in a community circle- what’s new, what’s working, what’s not. We are here for you.

Next salon: Monday, August 8th, 6-8pm. Fee $10 per person for ingredients. Register by contacting Anna Lee

Candace Stock: Chef

Creating food that maintains the body but excites the taste buds.

A chef that started her career by selling cookies to her teachers in middle school.

Raised on the White Earth Ojibwe reservation, where there is poor infrastructure for growth and culinary waste land.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are only available in your backyard.

Convenience foods and gas stations provide food for those that can not afford the time to garden.

If not for a family of farmers, her culinary career would have never come about due to the environment that was established for Native peoples. Candace was raised to have a relationship with the earth and all creatures. Respect for the ingredients that have given us life.

Candace received a Bachelor Degree from the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park NY. Her work is influenced by heritage, and honed through years of training and travel. Several years working in restaurants, catering companies and agriculture. Candace is currently working for BernBaum's with a focus in catering and events.


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