Grace in Formless Times

If things feel a little chaotic, you’re not alone. It is times like these where we might feel driftless, nervous, and unsure.

But we couldn’t be more connected.

Acknowledging the truth of what is swirling about causing uncertainty pretty much requires an acceptance of the inherent interconnectedness of us all. It is important that we do what we can to reach out, whether we are struggling, or we have a hunch that someone else may be having a hard time.

Looking ahead to this week, I am jostling my schedule a bit to allow for solitude, support, and connection in light of the unpredictable nature of how things are feeling.

Knowing that Monday is not only a New Moon, but a total solar eclipse, I have kept my schedule lighter (than usual). I always do this at the New Moon if I can manage it, as it is a time of introspection and refocus for me. There have been plenty of months where this was not possible, but when it IS possible I take advantage of the ability to slow down to allow for the waves to pass through.

This Wednesday, I am hosting Group Creative Guidance Sessions at both the Arthouse and online. We come together every two weeks to learn more about ourselves through a community and creative guidance/human design lens in small, thoughtful groups. I welcome you to join us- feel free to drop a line if you have any questions.

This Saturday, I am speaking at an FM Wellness Connect Event, which will bring wellness practitioners in my community together with the folks who are seeking resources for greater health and wellness.

What have you been up to, and is there anything you may need more or less of? I’d love to hear from you.



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