Full Moon Guidance

Well, we are all in the throes of it. Some things are falling apart, some things are growing, and so much is unknown.

One thing I do know for sure is how much we need each other, just to get through the day sometimes. it is a big reason why I started the Bright Moon Salon, a monthly event bringing together folks to connect in our truth at the Arthouse. This month, our honored guest was Kari Tauring and she led us in an ancient Nordic horn ceremony to initiate the series. We each took turns speaking the truth of who we are into the horn. It was vulnerable, and so very needed.

Here is the truth of who I am: I hold space for folks to feel seen and heard in their life and creative process. This is why the main work that I do is Creative Guidance Sessions: Coaching, Energy Portraits, and Human Design Readings.

Perhaps you are in need of some support? I am happy to be here for you. From today through the end of the month (July 31st 2022), as the moon goes from bright and full to waning, dark, and new; I am running a promotion for the Creative Guidance Sessions.

11% off Human Design Readings: use code 11HUMANDESIGN

22% off Energy Portraits (both mini and full): use code 22ENERGY

33% off Coaching Sessions: use code 33COACHING

You can book for any available time in the future, but the codes are good if you book by the end of the month.

Drop a line if you have any questions!



Learning Hope & Resilience from the Bees


Sweet honey in the valley.